
Register to wekeo services to enjoy the full potential of sentinel missions & copernicus environmental data

Do you want to conduct research or develop an application based on climatic, atmospheric, marine or land environmental data? Bring your project to next level by creating your free WEkEO account!

About WEkEO

WEkEO is a cloud-based platform called DIAS (Data and Information Access Service). Its purpose is to provide a harmonized and easy access to Sentinel and Copernicus Services environmental data and information.

Create your WEkEO account for free

Register to enjoy the full potential of WEkEO data and access all these features.

Download WEkEO data directly on your computer

From the Data Viewer, choose the datasets you want to show on the map, define your parameters (variables, aera of interest, time range, etc.), download the selected data to build amazing projects!

You can also download WEkEO data using the Harmonized Data Access (HDA) API through command lines in your own processing environment.

Access JupyterHub to process data in WEkEO infrastructure

WEkEO provides a JupyterHub development multi-users platform designed to create, run and share Python codes and scripts for data analysis, in virtual environments with pre-installed packages making your life way easier.

Several Jupyter Notebook files are already available in the WEkEO JupyterHub, to guide and train you in the use of WEkEO data. They are accessible for free to all WEkEO users.

Access WEkEO Drive to store and share your work with others

Once logged in, you can explore the available resources in the WEkEO Drive, an easy to use and free tool for data sharing between users. Upload your files, access them from wherever you are and share your work with the community.

Access to personalized qualified User Support

Registration gives you access to WEkEO User Support, a team of experts always at your disposal. You can contact them directly by chat to get help and answers to any question you may have