
Welcome to the Copernicus WEkEO Innovation Lab.

Your gateway to innovative research using Copernicus Service and Sentinel data. We offer free cloud computing resources for projects that benefit the economy, society, and environment. Join us to enhance our society's resilience through interdisciplinary projects.

Why have a Copernicus Innovation Lab?

Stimulate cutting-edge research and practical applications using Copernicus data. Improve our platform with user insights and foster a community of practice for networking and knowledge exchange.

Why have a Copernicus Innovation Lab?

Benefits of Joining

Receive free computation resources tailored to your project's needs, including:

  • Harmonized Data Access (HDA)
  • ClimetLab WEkEO plugins
  • Upcoming serverless functions for seamless data processing

Perfect for projects in climate change, urban planning, disaster response, agriculture, transportation, health, energy, and environmental monitoring.

Benefits of Joining

Eligibility and Application

We seek innovative, interdisciplinary projects using cloud computing and Copernicus data.

  1. Submit a proposal with your project title, objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and relevance.
  2. Proposals are evaluated on innovation, relevance, feasibility, and impact. Open to researchers and users from Copernicus Member States.
  3. Successful applicants are notified within two weeks.
Apply now
Eligibility and Application

Harness the power of Copernicus

Discover the value of Earth Observation data in disaster response, energy, health, and environmental monitoring. Unlock the potential of Copernicus data for societal benefit!

Ready to innovate with Copernicus data?
Join us!