

WEkEO supports environmental scientists in their research and publication by providing them state-of-the-art environmental data and cloud-based processing capabilities and tools.

Seasonal Forecasting

While it is generally not possible to predict these day-to-day changes in detail beyond about a week ahead, it is possible to say something about likely conditions averaged over the next few months. Seasonal forecasts provide information about these long-term averages. WEkEO provides the best available guidance on likely seasonal conditions in many parts of the world, including Europe, available to the scientific community.

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Climate Change

WEkEO provides with climate change data to feed the scientific community, meet the requirements of a number of government and business customers, and underpin mitigation and adaptation policy formation and decision making. WEkEO provides with climate datasets based on observations, and Earth System Models to sample the past environment since 1950.

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H2020 Projects

WEkEO provides with environmental data supporting H2020 projects along with cloud-based hosted processing capabilities and tools to transform data into concrete results.

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